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琪(Qi Wang),教授,博士生导师,国家优秀青年基金获得者(2022),上海市“浦江人才”(2018




Email: wangqi@ecust.edu.cn




 生物荧光探针,致力于实现精准化个体诊疗方案。针对既有荧光染料在生物成像和诊疗应用中灵敏度低、输运准确性差、信号反馈滞后等诸多制约其广泛应用的问题,围绕如何提升荧光生物识别染料诊疗精准度的关键科学问题,借助化学产品工程的原理与方法发展了系列高性能、精细化的荧光染料提升检测准确性,通过研究考察载体材料的热力学驱动与动力学扩散行为构筑了靶向缓控释载体材料提升传递精准度,并深度融合荧光染料和载体材料构建了精准诊疗一体化平台。获授权中国专利7项,在Adv. Mater.Adv. Funct. Mater.Natl. Sci. Rev.CCS Chem.Chem. Sci.Biomaterials等杂志上发表SCI论文50余篇。先后入选中国抗癌协会纳米肿瘤学专业委员会委员、中国医药生物技术协会造影技术分会委员、上海市药学会会员、上海药学会药剂学青年专委会委员、中国医药卫生文化协会医工融合分会委员。


2004.9-2008.7         四川大学华西药公司理学学士

2008.8-2014.7         四川大学华西药公司药剂学硕士 ,博士导师:张志荣

2015.1-2017.4         新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物医学工程公司博士后

2017.4-2018.9         公司PG电子(中国)官方网站讲师

2018.9-2023.1          公司PG电子(中国)官方网站副教授

2023.1-至今             公司PG电子(中国)官方网站教授


  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,优秀青年科学基金项目项目编号:22222803诊疗一体化纳米荧光探针2023/01-2025/12200,在研,主持

  2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:21974047,双靶标驱动的逻辑响应型荧光探针原位早期诊断胰腺癌及精准治疗研究,2020/01-2023/1265万,在研,主持

  3. 上海市科学技术委员会,2019年浦江人才计划,项目编号19PJ1402300,酶响应型激活性自噬荧光探针的开发及其在自噬疾病中的应用研究,2019/10-2021/0930万,结题主持

  4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,项目编号81602718,共载BCAR1/siRNA与顺铂的钙磷纳米载体治疗三阴性乳腺癌的研究,2017/01-2019/1218万,已结题,主持

  5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学重大研究计划,项目编号:91959202,胰腺癌支链氨基酸代谢的功能可视化及其诊疗意义,2020/01-2023/12/31300万,在研,子课题

  6. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,教育部,项目编号:222201814013,荧光前药辅助超声实现高分辨率超早期诊断卵巢癌并监测药物,实现可视化增敏卵巢癌化疗效果的实验研究,16万,已结题,主持


  1.  朱为宏,王琪,郭志前,李强,刘振兴,徐益升。一种基于聚集诱导发光特征的荧光探针及其测定临界胶束浓度的方法和应用。授权专利号:ZL 201910283791.6

  2.  朱为宏,王琪, 刘振兴,朱志荣,李翔宇,吕妍婷。具有聚集诱导发光和宽光谱吸收特性的光敏剂及其制备方法和应用。授权专利号:ZL 202110294851.1

  3.  朱为宏王琪张有恒,朱志荣,刘振兴,刘明,吕妍婷,李翔宇,潘超一种用于细胞膜快速免洗成像的双亲性荧光探针授权专利号:ZL 202011343349.7

  4.  段友容刘培峰孙颖王琪沈鸣肿瘤细胞及肿瘤血管双靶向纳米粒、构建方法及应用授权专利号:ZL201510503842.3

  5.  朱英杰王可伟段友容王琪磷酸钙纳米结构空心微球及其制备方法授权专利ZL200910198813.5

  6.  段友容孙颖刘培峰于晖亓雪莲王琪陈晓炎李晓昱聚乙二醇-聚乳酸羟基乙酸-聚赖氨酸纳米递送系统、制备方法及其应用授权专利: ZL200910247576.7

  7.  朱英杰王可伟段友容孙颖王琪磷酸钙/嵌段共聚物复合多孔纳米球及其制备方法授权专利ZL200910055356.4


  1. Xupeng Wu, Zhirong Zhu, Zhenxing Liu, Xiangyu Li, Tijian Zhou, Xiaolei Zhao, Yuwei Wang, Yiqi Shi, Qianqian Yu, Wei-Hong Zhu,Qi Wang*, Tricyano-methylene-pyridine based high-performance aggregation-induced emission photosensitizer for imaging and photodynamic therapy, Molecules, 2022, 27, 7981.

  2. Xiangyu Li, Chao Pan, Jun Cao, Zhenxing Liu, Zhirong Zhu, Chenxu Yan, Weijun Zhao, Wei-Hong Zhu, Qi Wang*. An AIE-active probe for monitoring calcium-rich biological environment with high signal-to-noise and long-term retention in situ, Biomaterials, 2022, 289, 121778.

  3. Chao Pan, Weijun Zhao, Xiaolei Zhao, Zhenxing Liu, Xiangyu Li, Yanting Lyu, Xupeng Wu,Zhirong Zhu, Wei-Hong Zhu, Qi Wang,* Type I photosensitizer based on AIE chromophoretricyano-methylene-pyridine for photodynamic therapy,Green Chemical Engineering, 2022, doi.org/10.1016/j.gce.2022.07.004.

  4. Xiaolei Zhao, Yuwei Wang, Qi Wang,* Qiang Li, Zhenxing Liu, Wei-Hong Zhu*, An environmental-friendly AIE probe for the CMC determination, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 6, 1005–1009.

  5. Zhenxing Liu, Qi Wang,* Wanshan Qiu, Yanting Lyu, Zhirong Zhu, Xiaolei Zhao, Wei-HongZhu*, AIE-active luminogens as highly efficient free-radical ROSphotogenerator for image-guided photodynamic therapy, Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 3599-3608.

  6. Yanting Lyu, Xiaoyan Chen, Qi Wang*, Qiang Li, Quan Wang, Xiangyu Li, Zhirong Zhu,Chenxu Yan, Xiaolei Zhao, and Wei-Hong Zhu*, Monitoring autophagy with Atg4B protease-activated aggregation-induced emission probe,Advanced Functional Materials,2022, 32, 2108571.

  7. Youheng Zhang, Qi Wang*, Zhirong Zhu, Weijun Zhao, Chenxu Yan, Zhenxing Liu, Ming Liu, Xiaolei Zhao, He Tian, Wei-Hong Zhu*, Spatiotemporal visualization of cell membrane with amphiphilic aggregation-induced emission-active sensor, CCS Chemistry, 2022, 4, 1619-1632.

  8. Zhirong Zhu, Qi Wang,* Xiaoyan Chen, Quan Wang, Chengxu Yan, Xiaolei Zhao,Weijun Zhao, and Wei-Hong Zhu*,An enzyme-activatable aggregation-induced-emission probe: intraoperative pathological fluorescent diagnosis of pancreatic cancer via specific cathepsin E,Adv. Mater. 2021, 34, 2107444.

  9. Tijian Zhou, Qi Wang*, Ming Liu, Zhenxing Liu, Zhirong Zhu, Xiaolei Zhao, Wei-Hong Zhu*,An AIE-based enzyme-activatable fluorescence indicator for Western blot assay: Quantitative expression of proteins with reproducible stable signal and wide linear range,Aggregate. 2021, 2, e22.

  10. Qi Wang, Yang He, Ming Shen, Lili Huang, Li Ding, Jian Hu, Yang Dong, Hao Fu, Quan Wang, Ying Sun, Lin Zhang*, Jun Cao*, Yourong Duan*, Precision embolism: Biocompatible temperature-sensitive hydrogels as novel embolic materials for both mainstream and peripheral vessel, Advanced Functional Materials,2021, 31, 2011170.

  11. 吕妍婷,王琪* ,朱为宏*,聚集诱导发光材料在食品安全检测中的应用,发光学报,2021, 03, 319-335.

  12. Zhirong Zhu, Qi Wang*, Hongze Liao, Ming Liu, Zhenxing Liu, Youheng Zhang, Wei-Hong Zhu*, Trapping endoplasmic reticulum with amphiphilic AIE-active sensor: achieving high targeting via specific interaction of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP), National Science Review, 2020, 8, nwaa198.

  13. Zhenxing Liu, Qi Wang*, Zhirong Zhu, Ming Liu, Xiaolei Zhao and Wei-Hong Zhu, AIE-based nanoaggregate tracker: high-fidelity visualization of lysosomal movement and drug escaping processes, Chemical Science, 2020, 11, 12755-12763.

  14. Jie Zhang,#Qi Wang,# Zhiqian Guo,* Shaoze Zhang, Chenxu Yan, He Tian, Wei-Hong Zhu,* High-fidelity trapping of spatial temporal mitochondria with rational design of aggregation induced emission probes, Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, 1808153.

  15. Qiang Li, Jun Cao, Qi Wang,* Jie Zhang, Shiqin Zhu, Zhiqian Guo, Wei-Hong Zhu,* Nanomized tumor-microenvironment active NIR fluorescent prodrug for ensuring synchronous occurrences of drug releasing and fluorescence tracing,Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2019, 7, 1503.

  16. Qi Wang, Man Luo, Na Wei, Alex Chang, Kathy Qian Luo,* Development of a liposomal formulation of acetyltanshinone IIA for breast cancer therapy, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2019, 16, 3873-3886.

  17. Jie Zhang,#Qi Wang,# Jingkang Liu, Zhiqian Guo,* Jinfeng Yang, Qiang Li, Shaoze Zhang, Chenxu Yan, Wei-Hong Zhu,* Saponin-based near-infrared nanoparticles with aggregation-induced emission behavior: enhancing cell compatibility and permeability, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2019, 2, 943-951.

  18. Qi Wang,# Xiangyu Zhang,# Ying Sun, Liting Wang, Li Ding, Wei-Hong Zhu,* Wen Di,* Yourong Duan,* Gold-caged copolymer nanoparticles as multimodal synergistic photodynamic/ photothermal/chemotherapy platform against lethality androgen-resistant prostate cancer, Biomaterials, 2019, 212, 73-86.

  19. Yang Dong,# Hongze Liao,# Hao Fu, Jian Yu, Qianqian Guo, Qi Wang,* Yourong Duan,* pH-sensitive shell-core platform block DNA repair pathway to amplify irreversible DNA damage of triple negative breast cancer, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2019, 11, 38417-38428.

  20. Yang Dong, Hongze Liao, Jian Yu, Hao Fu, De Zhao, Ke Gong, Qi Wang,* Yourong Duan,* Incorporation of drug efflux inhibitor and chemotherapeutic agent into an inorganic/organic platform for the effective treatment of multidrug resistant breast cancer, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2019, 17, 125.

  21. Qi Wang,#Xiangyu Zhang,#Hongze Liao, Ying Sun, Li Ding, Yanwei Teng, Wei‐Hong Zhu,* Zhirong Zhang,* Yourong Duan,* Multifunctional shell-core nanoparticles for treatment of multidrug resistance hepatocellular carcinoma, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 14, 1706124.

  22. Qiang Li,#Qi Wang,# Saibo Wang, Shiqin Zhu, Tianwen Yuan, Zhiqian Guo, Jun Cao,* He Tian, Wei-Hong Zhu,* Near-Infrared fluorescent theranostic CiESPtin prodrug with transcatheter intra-arterial therapy: application to rabbit hepatocellular carcinoma, Advanced Therapeutics, 2018, 1, 1800093.

  23. Ying Sun,#Qi Wang,# Jianhua Chen, Lei Liu, Li Ding, Ming Shen, Jin Li,* Baoshan Han,* Yourong Duan,* Temperature-sensitive gold nanoparticle-coated pluronic-PLL nanoparticles for drug delivery and chemo-photothermal therapy, Theranostics, 2017, 18, 4424-4444.

  24. Xiangyu Zhang,#Qi Wang,# Liubing Qin, Hao Fu, Yiwei Fang, Baoshan Han,* Yourong Duan,* EGF-modified mPEG-PLGA-PLL nanoparticle for delivering doxorubicin combined with Bcl-2 siRNA as a potential treatment strategy for lung cancer, Drug Delivery, 2016, 23, 2936-2945.

  25. Qi Wang, Ying Sun, Zhirong Zhang,* Yourong Duan,* Targeted polymeric therapeutic nanoparticles: Design and interactions with hepatocellular carcinoma, Biomaterials, 2015, 56, 229-240.


  1. Aggregation-Induced EmissionChapter Number 19AIEgen applications in rapid and portable sensing of foodstuff hazardsELSEVIER,英国,2022

网页发布时间: 2019-01-23 16:31