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吴永真(Yongzhen Wu,博士




Email: wu.yongzhen@ecust.edu.cn

Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/O-3796-2016

课题组: https://www.x-mol.com/groups/wu_yongzhen







以太阳能高效转换和利用为目标,重点关注光--化学转换过程的电荷转移与能量传递,新材料设计开发与相关器件优化,新型低成本太阳能电池技术稳定性强化与光电转换效率提升。已发表SCI论文80余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表论文期刊包括ScienceNat EnergyNatl Sci RevNat CommonMatterAngew Chem Int EdAdv MaterEnergy Environ SciAdv Energy Mater等,24篇论文曾入选ESI高被引论文,9篇论文曾入选ESI热点论文,论文SCI他引13000余次,单篇最高他引2000余次。





2013.102016.10,日本国立物质材料研究所,博士后 (合作导师:韩礼元教授)


















代表性论文为共同一作, *为通讯作者):

1.     S. Zhang, F. Ye, X. Wang, R. Chen, H. Zhang, L. Zhan, X. Jiang, Y. Li, X. Ji, S. Liu, M. Yu, F. Yu, Y. Zhang, R. Wu, Z. Liu, Z. Ning, D. Neher, L. Han, Y. Lin, H. Tian, W. Chen*, M. Stolterfoht*, L. Zhang*, W.-H. Zhu*, Y. Wu*, Minimizing buried interfacial defects for efficient inverted perovskite solar cells.

Science, 2023, 380, 404-409.

2.     H. Guo, X. Wang, C. Li, H. Hu, H. Zhang, L. Zhang, W.-H. Zhu, Y. Wu*, Immobilizing surface halide in perovskite solar cells via calix[4]pyrrole.

Adv. Mater.,2023, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202301871.

3.     F. Ye, S. Zhang, J. Warby, J. Wu, E. G.-Partida, F. Lang, S. Shah, E. Saglamkaya, B. Sun, F. Zu, S. Shoaee, H. Wang, B. Stiller, D. Neher, W.-H. Zhu, M. Stolterfoht*, Y. Wu*, Overcoming C60-induced interfacial recombination in inverted perovskite solar cells by electron transporting carborane.

Nat. Commun., 2022, 13, 7454.

4.     S. Liu, X. Liu, Y. Wu*, D. Zhang, Y. Wu, H. Tian, Z. Zheng*, W.-H. Zhu*. Circularly polarized perovskite luminescence with dissymmetry factor up to 1.9 by soft helix bilayer device.

Matter,2022, 5, 2319-2333.

5.     H. Guo, C. Liu, H. Hu, S. Zhang, X. Ji, X.-M. Cao, Z. Ning, W.-H. Zhu, H. Tian, Y. Wu*,Neglected Acidity Pitfall: Boric Acid-Anchoring Hole-Selective Contact for Perovskite Solar Cells.

Natl. Sci. Rev., 2023, DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwad057.

6.     D. Zhang*, H. Zhang, H. Guo, F. Ye, S. Liu, Y. Wu*. Stable α-FAPbI3 in Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiency Exceeding 22% via a Self-Passivation Strategy.

Adv. Funct. Mater., 2022, 32, 2200174

7.     X. Xu, X. Ji, R. Chen, F. Ye, S. Liu, S. Zhang, W. Chen, Y. Wu*, W.-H. Zhu. Improving Contact and Passivation of Buried Interface for High-Efficiency and Large-Area Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells.

Adv. Funct. Mater.,2022, 32, 2109968

8.     H. Guo, H. Zhang, S. Liu, D. Zhang, Y. Wu*, W.-H. Zhu, Efficient and Stable Methylammonium-Free Tin-Lead Perovskite Solar Cells with Hexaazatrinaphthylene-Based Hole-Transporting Materials,

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 5, 6852–6858

9.     H. Guo, H. Zhang, C. Shen, D. Zhang, S. Liu, Y. Wu*, W.-H. Zhu. Coplanar π-Extended Quinoxaline Based Hole-Transporting Material Enabling over 21% Efficiency for Dopant-Free Perovskite Solar Cells.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 2674 –2679

10.  M. Yu#, W. Zhang#, Z. Guo, Y. Wu*, W.-H. Zhu*. Engineering nanoparticulate organic photocatalysts via a scalable flash nanoprecipitation process for efficient hydrogen production.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 15590–15597

11.  E. Li, C. Liu, H. Lin, X. Xu, S. Liu, S. Z., M. Yu, X.-M. Cao, Y. Wu*, W.-H. Zhu. Bonding Strength Regulates Anchoring-Based Self-Assembly Monolayers for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells.

Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021, 31, 2103847

12.  X. Xu, H. Zhang, E. Li, P. Ru, H. Chen, Z. Chen, Y. Wu*, H. Tian, W.-H. Zhu. Electron-enriched thione enables strong Pb–S interaction for stabilizing high quality CsPbI3 perovskite films with low-temperature processing,

Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 3132–3140

13.  E. Li, E. Bi, Y. Wu*, W. Zhang, L. Li, H. Chen, L. Han, H. Tian, W.-H. Zhu*. Synergistic coassembly of highly wettable and uniform hole-extraction monolayers for scaling-up perovskite solar cells, 

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1909509

14.  C. Shen, Y. Wu*, H. Zhang, E. Li, W. Zhang, X. Xu, W. Wu, H. Tian and W.-H. Zhu*. Semi-locked tetrathienylethene as promising building block for hole transporting materials: toward efficient and stable perovskite solar cells,

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 3784-3789

15.  H. Zhang, Y. Wu*, C. Shen, E. Li, C. Yan, W. Zhang, H. Tian, L. Han, W.-H. Zhu*. Efficient and stable chemical passivation on perovskite surface via bidentate anchoring.

Adv. Energy Mater., 2019, 9, 1803573

16.  E. Li, E. Bi, Y. Wu*, W. Zhang, L. Li, H. Chen, L. Han, H. Tian, W.-H. Zhu*. Synergistic Coassembly of Highly Wettable and Uniform Hole-Extraction Monolayers for Scaling-up Perovskite Solar Cells,

Adv. Funct. Mater.2019, 29, 1909509

17.  L. Li, Y. Wu*,E. Li, C. Shen, H. Zhang, X. Xu,G. Wu, M. Cai, W.-H. Zhu. Self-assembled naphthalimide derivatives as efficient and low-cost electron extraction layer for n-i-p perovskite solar cells.

Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 13239–13242

18.  H. Zhang, Y. Wu*, W. Zhang, E. Li, C. Shen, H. Jiang, H. Tian and W.-H. Zhu*, Low cost and stable quinoxaline-based hole-transporting materials with a D-A-D molecular configuration for efficient perovskite solar cells.

Chem. Sci., 2018, 9, 5919-5928

19.  W. Zhang, Y. Wu*, H. W. Bahng, Y. Cao, C. Yi, Y. Saygili, J. Luo, Y. Liu, L. Kavan, J. E. Moser, A. Hagfeldt, H. Tian, S. M. Zakeeruddin*, W.-H. Zhu* and M. Grätzel*, Comprehensive control of voltage loss enables 11.7% efficient solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells.

Energy Environ. Sci., 2018, 11,1779-1787

20.  Y. Wu, F. Xie, H. Chen, X. Yang, H. Su, M. Cai, Z. Zhou, T. Noda, and L. Han*, Thermally stable MAPbI3 perovskite solar cells with efficiency of 19.19% and area over 1 cm2 achieved by additive engineering.

Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, 1701073.

21.  Y. Wu, X. Yang, W. Chen, Y. Yue, M. Cai, F. Xie, E. Bi, A. Islam, and L. Han*. Perovskite solar cells with 18.21% efficiency and area over 1cm2 fabricated by heterojunction engineering.

Nature Energy, 2016, 1, 16148.

22.  W. Chen, Y. Wu, Y. Yue, J. Liu, W. Zhang, X. Yang, H. Chen, E. Bi, I. Ashraful, M. Grätzel*, and L. Han*. Efficient and stable large-area perovskite solar cells with inorganic charge extraction layers.

Science, 2015, 350, 944948.

23.  Y. Wu, A. Islam, X. Yang*, C. Qin, J. Liu, K. Zhang, W. Peng and L. Han*, Retarding the crystallization of PbI2 for highly reproducible planar-structured perovskite solar cells via sequential deposition.

Energy Environ. Sci., 2014, 7, 29342938.

24.  Y. Wu, and W. Zhu*, Organic sensitizers from D-π-A to D-A-π-A: effect of the internal electron-withdrawing units on molecular absorption, energy levels and photovoltaic performances.

Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, 42, 2039–2058.


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